Laboratory for Internet Computing(LINC)

Center for Advanced Computer Studies

LINC Meeting Sign Up

Laboratory for Internet Computing (LINC) was established in 1997, when its Co-Directors, Henry Chu and Vijay Raghavan, received funding from the State of Louisiana to create a joint research effort with Southern University at Baton Rouge. The name. LINC, and the slogan "Harnessing Distributed Heterogeneous Sources " described its initial research theme. Shortly after, LINC focused on studying the management of information related to Energy and Environmental issues (These activities were conducted under the umbrella of Energy & Environmental Information Resource Center (EEIRC)) via funding from the DoE. Then came multi-year, multi-million dollars Research support from Louisiana Governor's IT Initiative, at the beginning of the 21st century. The development of numerous industry-oriented and innovative tech entrepreneurship projects, in turn, led to first steps in establishing the Center for Visual and Decision Informatics (CVDI), an Industry University Collaborative Research Center (IUCRC) sponsored by the National Science Foundation, in 2009. After three years of struggle and preparation, the LINC co-founders, with strong support from Ramesh Kolluru and Raju Gottumukkala, kicked off CVDI in 2012 (with Drexel University as our partner). Much of the progress during 2001 - 2009 were made possible by great efforts from three research scientists: Drs. Ryan Benton, Biren Shah and Zonghuan Wu. Five years later, in 2017, we received NSF award for Phase 2 of CVDI with 5 research sites: four in the U.S. and one in Finland. In addition, our ongoing research on the understanding of protein and drug interactions is highly relevant to the pharmaceutical industry. Come and learn about our accomplishments and activities via CVDI and the exciting progress we are making in bioinformatics!

Research topics

  • Data mining
  • Data visualization
  • Digital library
  • Machine learning
  • Information retrieval
  • Web resource integration
  • Image processing

Last updated: April 24, 2020